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Automotive Software: The Critical Role of Engineering Rigor in High-Consequence Systems

By Andrew Park | 2024-08-27

The role of software in modern vehicles has never been more prominent—or more consequential. From managing essential systems like braking and steering to enabling sophisticated autonomous driving features, software is now at the heart of vehicle functionality. While these advancements bring unprecedented convenience and innovation, they also introduce a significant risk: the potential for catastrophic failure.

Automotive software must meet an extraordinarily high standard of reliability, as even minor bugs can result in major safety incidents. In this article, we explore the key areas of automotive software where failure can have dire consequences, examining real-world examples where software bugs led to significant repercussions, including loss of life.

1. Autonomous Driving Systems: Balancing Innovation and Safety

Autonomous driving systems, including advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS), are transforming how we approach mobility. These systems rely on software to interpret road conditions, make split-second decisions, and perform crucial tasks such as lane-keeping, adaptive cruise control, and emergency braking. However, with this reliance on software comes increased risk.

In 2018, Uber’s self-driving car was involved in a tragic accident where the vehicle’s autonomous system failed to detect a pedestrian crossing the road. This resulted in the first known fatality involving an autonomous vehicle. The system’s inability to make the correct decision in real time demonstrated the immense stakes involved in developing reliable, safety-critical software. Similarly, Tesla’s Autopilot system has been linked to multiple fatal accidents, with software failures such as misinterpreting road conditions or failing to detect obstacles. These examples highlight the importance of rigorous testing and validation in autonomous driving systems to ensure public safety.

2. Engine Control Units (ECUs): The Brain Behind Vehicle Operations

The software governing engine control units (ECUs) plays a vital role in managing critical aspects of vehicle operation, including fuel injection, emissions control, and powertrain management.

Software failures in this area can result in engine malfunctions, reduced fuel efficiency, or even vehicle shutdowns. Worse, such failures can have life-threatening consequences when they occur at high speeds or in hazardous driving conditions.

A well-known example of this is Toyota’s sudden unintended acceleration crisis between 2009 and 2010. A combination of software and mechanical issues caused some vehicles to accelerate unexpectedly, leading to more than 90 fatalities. The incident resulted in a massive recall of Toyota vehicles and significant financial penalties for the company. This case illustrates how critical it is to ensure that software governing essential vehicle functions is free from defects that could cause harm.

3. Brake and Steering Systems: Maintaining Control Under Pressure

Software-driven braking and steering systems, such as electronic braking (ABS) and power steering, are critical to maintaining vehicle control in challenging situations. Any software failure in these systems can have immediate and devastating consequences.

A prime example is the General Motors ignition switch defect, which led to a decade-long crisis between 2005 and 2014. In this case, a faulty ignition switch—combined with software issues—caused vehicles to lose power suddenly, disabling critical safety features such as airbags. The defect was linked to at least 124 deaths and led to one of the largest automotive recalls in history. This incident, along with others, highlights how software malfunctions in brake and steering systems can directly impact safety, underscoring the need for robust engineering practices.

4. Safety Systems: Trusting Software to Save Lives

Several automotive safety systems have experienced critical failures due to software defects, leading to serious consequences, including fatalities and widespread recalls. Between 2015 and 2019, Honda’s airbag control system software bugs resulted in the recall of millions of vehicles because the bug prevented airbags from deploying during crashes. This defect resulted in multiple accidents and prompted investigations and recalls, underscoring the critical nature of reliable software in safety systems.

Similarly, in 2018, Hyundai/Kia’s airbag control units faced a major issue because a software failure caused by electrical overstress in the airbag control circuitry led to airbags not deploying in crashes. Tragically, this defect was linked to four fatalities and six injuries, leading to the recall of approximately 1.1 million vehicles.

In 2019, Ford’s Pre-Collision Assist system suffered a serious software bug that caused the system to fail in detecting obstacles and applying automatic emergency braking (AEB). Although no fatalities were directly attributed to this issue, it highlighted the inherent risks posed by faulty software in collision avoidance technology, leading to the recall of over 100,000 vehicles.

5. Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communication: Ensuring Safe Connectivity

Connected vehicles that communicate with other vehicles and infrastructure represent the next evolution in automotive technology. Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication enhances traffic safety, reduces congestion, and makes transportation more efficient. However, this increased connectivity also makes vehicles vulnerable to external threats, as software vulnerabilities can expose critical systems to manipulation.

A notable example is the 2015 Jeep Cherokee Uconnect hacking incident, where security researchers demonstrated how hackers could remotely take control of the vehicle, manipulating its steering, braking, and acceleration. Although no deaths were directly attributed to this incident, it highlighted the growing risks posed by cyberattacks on connected vehicles. The Jeep Cherokee example underscores the importance of securing software against cyber threats, especially as the automotive industry becomes more reliant on interconnected systems.

6. Cybersecurity: Protecting the Modern Car from Threats

As vehicles become more connected, the risk of cyberattacks becomes more pronounced. Modern cars are essentially networks of software-driven systems communicating both internally and with external devices. This connectivity opens up a wide array of potential vulnerabilities.

The Jeep Cherokee incident in 2015 was a watershed moment for automotive cybersecurity, demonstrating that hackers could potentially control critical vehicle functions remotely. The vulnerability forced Chrysler to recall 1.4 million vehicles. In today’s environment, ensuring cybersecurity for automotive software is as critical as traditional mechanical safety measures.

7. Battery Management Systems (BMS): The Backbone of Electric Vehicle Safety

With the rise of electric vehicles (EVs), battery management software has become a critical component of vehicle safety and performance. The software controlling the battery management system (BMS) ensures that charging, discharging, and overall battery health are managed correctly. A failure in BMS software can lead to overheating, overcharging, or even fires—putting the safety of drivers at risk.


As more EVs enter the market, the software managing these systems must meet the highest standards of reliability. Proper testing and rigorous development practices are essential to prevent software-induced failures that could jeopardize the future of electric mobility.

Conclusion: Engineering Rigor is Non-Negotiable in High-Consequence Software

As the complexity of automotive software increases, so do the stakes. Ensuring the safety and reliability of software controlling critical vehicle systems is not just about avoiding recalls or fines—it’s about saving lives. The consequences of failure in high-consequence software, such as those managing autonomous driving systems, cybersecurity, and essential safety features, can be catastrophic.

For automotive companies, blindly adopting frameworks like Agile, Scrum, SAFe, or DevOps without customization is a risk. These methodologies, while effective for many industries, are not optimized for the rigorous demands of high-consequence software. High-consequence software development requires more robust design, testing, validation, and engineering discipline than these frameworks typically offer out of the box.

At Edensoft Labs, we tailor processes to the specific needs of high-consequence software development. A critical part of this involves leveling up the craftsmanship skills of software developers to ensure they create higher-quality software from the start. Quality can’t simply be tested in—it must be designed in. Developers bear significant responsibility for building reliable software, as it lays the foundation for high-consequence systems to perform safely and effectively.

However, we also recognize that quality engineering is equally critical. For high-consequence software, moving beyond traditional testing models like the Testing Pyramid is essential. Depending on the consequences of failure, adopting a Testing Trapezoid or even a Testing Rectangle—where integration and end-to-end testing are as crucial as unit tests—helps prevent critical failures. We help companies not only by creating robust testing strategies but also by leveling up their quality engineering talent. Skilled Quality Engineers are vital for conducting rigorous exploratory testing to catch issues that may evade scripted tests. Their expertise ensures that the software is reliable, safe, and accounts for unexpected scenarios.

If your company is developing safety-critical systems, we can help you develop both your software development talent and your quality engineering talent to ensure your software is built with the highest levels of quality and reliability to meet the demands of your industry.

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