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Edensoft Labs Consulting: Engineering Rigor for High-Consequence Software

Edensoft Labs specializes in helping organizations that develop high-consequence software—where failure is not an option—by emphasizing engineering discipline, rigorous testing, and technical excellence. Our core tools—Technical Debt MRI and PulsePoint—equip our consultants to uncover inefficiencies and guide software teams toward delivering robust, reliable, and maintainable systems. Additionally, Technical Wealth University provides essential training to upskill your technical teams, ensuring they are prepared to create and maintain high-consequence applications with engineering and testing rigor.


Our Approach: 90-Day Comprehensive Assessment for High-Consequence Applications

Edensoft Labs begins each consulting engagement with a 90-day comprehensive assessment, specifically designed to optimize your Product Management, Product Design, and Software Development Lifecycle processes. This thorough analysis identifies inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement, ensuring that your organization is equipped to meet the demands of high-consequence software development.


This assessment includes:


  1. Assessment of Current Processes: A detailed review of existing workflows and methodologies across Product Management, Product Design, and Software Development, including remote interviews conducted by Edensoft Labs consultants.

  2. Technology and Tool Recommendations: Evaluation and recommendations for tool configuration improvements or alternative tools that can enhance collaboration and efficiency.

  3. Gap Analysis: Identification of inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and areas where engineering rigor, discipline, and testing need to be improved.

  4. Customized Strategy Development: Tailored strategies and action plans will be developed to address identified gaps, boost efficiency, and ensure sustainable development practices for high-consequence software.

  5. In-Person Engagements: On-site visits by Edensoft Labs consultants to key locations as needed. All travel costs are included in the engagement.

At the conclusion of the engagement, Edensoft Labs will deliver a comprehensive final report that details findings and provides actionable recommendations to optimize your organization’s software development processes.


Core Tools & Programs


Technical Debt MRI:

Purpose: This tool is primarily used by Edensoft Labs consultants to gain deep insights into your codebase and uncover areas of inefficiency and potential risks that threaten the stability and reliability of high-consequence applications. It identifies gaps in engineering rigor and discipline, particularly when it comes to the maintainability of the source code. Poorly maintained or hard-to-understand code dramatically increases the risk of failures and critical missteps during maintenance—an unacceptable risk in high-consequence environments. Through in-depth investigations and conversations with key staff—including Product Management, Designers, Engineering Leadership (CTO, Engineering VPs, Engineering Directors, Engineering Managers, Technical Team Leads), Software Developers, QA testers, and Operations (or DevOps) staff—consultants identify the root causes of technical debt. This collaborative approach reveals underlying cultural and process-driven issues, ensuring that teams can cultivate a more disciplined and reliable engineering environment.

Benefit: The Technical Debt MRI uncovers not just technical debt but deeper systemic issues related to engineering rigor, discipline, and maintainability. By addressing these foundational challenges, organizations can drastically reduce the risks inherent in high-consequence applications. This tool enables teams to identify critical vulnerabilities that could lead to catastrophic failures, ensuring that they can implement long-term solutions that enhance the overall resilience and reliability of their software systems. In environments where failure is not an option, the Technical Debt MRI provides the insights needed to elevate engineering practices to meet the most stringent standards of safety and reliability.



Purpose: PulsePoint is used by Edensoft Labs consultants to gain deep insights into the daily operations of technical teams, with a focus on uncovering risks that can compromise the success of high-consequence applications. By analyzing real-time data on workflows, task progress, and how developers allocate their time, PulsePoint reveals critical risk-related issues, such as:

  1. Lack of deep work time: Determines whether developers are getting the uninterrupted focus time needed to tackle complex problems and produce high-quality code, which is essential for reducing risks in high-consequence systems.

  2. Risk from technical debt accumulation: Identifies areas where rushed development, poor design decisions, or insufficient testing are creating technical debt, which poses long-term risks to system stability and maintainability.

  3. Breakdowns in engineering discipline: Detects lapses in critical practices like code reviews, testing rigor, or adherence to design principles, all of which increase the likelihood of introducing bugs or vulnerabilities into the system.

  4. Coordination issues impacting risk: Pinpoints where miscommunications or misalignments between teams are creating risks for project success, such as failure to meet inter-team dependencies or misunderstandings of system requirements.

  5. Cultural and behavioral red flags: Uncovers organizational behaviors that increase risk, such as teams cutting corners under pressure, poor accountability, or reluctance to surface issues during the development process.

Benefit: PulsePoint empowers Edensoft Labs consultants to identify risks early and provide targeted recommendations to mitigate them. It helps uncover hidden factors that undermine the quality and safety of high-consequence software, ensuring that developers are not just meeting deadlines, but doing so with the focus and rigor required to avoid catastrophic failures.


Technical Wealth University:

Purpose: This educational initiative offers essential training programs to upskill your technical performers and grow their talent, preparing them to meet the demands of high-consequence software. The training focuses on improving requirements understanding, engineering rigor, and testing rigor, enabling teams to create applications that are both highly maintainable and resilient against failures.

  1. Software Craftsmanship Training: Emphasizes engineering rigor and quality code, focusing on software architecture, technical debt management, and critical analysis of design principles.

  2. Continuous Learning Culture: Develops a sustainable culture of skill development and excellence, ensuring teams stay ahead of technical demands and challenges.

  3. Soft Skills for Technical Performers: Enhances communication and self-management skills, crucial for collaboration in complex, high-stakes projects.

Benefit: Ensures that engineering teams are equipped with the advanced skills and mindset required to produce highly reliable software, even in high-risk environments, and to manage the long-term risks of failure through more rigorous engineering and testing practices.


Why Edensoft for High-Consequence Applications?

For industries where software failure can lead to catastrophic results—such as defense, cybersecurity, energy, aviation, healthcare, and finance—Agile, Scrum, and DevOps methodologies alone are insufficient. These approaches prioritize speed and frequent updates, which can compromise the reliability of systems where failure has severe consequences.

Edensoft Labs offers a tailored approach that balances the need for agility with the rigorous discipline necessary for high-consequence software. We help organizations move beyond traditional methodologies, focusing on engineering excellence, risk mitigation, and comprehensive testing to prevent disasters like the CrowdStrike incident.

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